Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Some People!!!!

Now I know most of you won’t take the time to read the entire response I sent to this person and will probably mis-judge me as a hot head for the little you do read, however in my defense. This was a one time thing and I had just had my fill with this, this …Well I don’t need to call names.

The story begins when I was asked how much a personalized sign would cost. I responded with a price quote. I was then asked “Why” it would cost so much.

SO I wrote back within a few hours and explained how I price my custom signs, and once again explained what his quote was...He wrote back and asked “Why is it” so expensive?

Now I have always prided myself with customer service and remaining professional but this particular person had already sent me approximately 10 e-mails asking questions which any other person would already know the answer too by looking at my policy page and reading the item description on my website…and up until this point I had remained very polite and attempted to answer each of his questions in a professional manner…for some reason today wasn’t my day, and he pushed the wrong button.

Here was my final response... by the way I still got the order…

Dear JIM (name changed to protect the innocent...)

I'm going to give you a break because you are so special.

The below advice is absolutely free for the taking...

1.Go to and purchase a Dewalt 788 scroll saw.
2. Go to Mike workshop and order a gross yep 144 blades prolly should start with a FDSR 2/0. Cuz you are new at this.
3. Buy a comfortable chair. I hope you have a shop or your wife is going to be really upset with all the sawdust in the spare bedroom!
4. A good work light.
5. A good shop vac.
6. Create a pattern as requested should only take about 30 minutes or so...
7. Go to your favorite lumber carrier and purchase a sheet of Baltic birch.
8. Go to Home Depot get appropriate stain. Because they don't carry Baltic birch...
9. Go to Wal-Mart and get some spray adhesive and clear packing tape. Because Home Depot costs more...
10. Now set aside about 3 hours to cut this project.
11. Dang now ya need a sander....go back to Home Depot.
12. If you’re really lucky and very careful you won't break the creation using the sander. If you do....... go back to step...10

Now create a website or go to your favorite auction venue and create a listing.

Dang forgot ya have to take a picture...
Now format the picture…

Upload to your picture host.

What do you mean you don’t know how to do that?

Okay, spend almost an entire year learning how to format pictures, how to get a photo host, how to build a website, how to create an auction template etc. . . .

Now that you have done all that

go back to auction site.....
Start over because you timed out taking the picture...

answer 10 e-mails...

Allow about 10 days to pass!!!!!

lah de dah....

Yippee ya just checked your e-mail and it sold.

1. Send invoice.
2. Wait patiently for payment.
3. Now you can go and get proper shipping supplies.
4. Create shipping label
5. Create thank you note this is important cuz ya really want this dumb shi@ to come back.
6. Wrap your latest creation carefully with clean new wrapping materials.
7. Place inside shipping box.
7. Take box to post office and ship it.....learn you under charged for shipping ...but oh well you'll learn and make money off your next sale.
8. Drive home. Gas is only 2.83 a gallon you can afford to go to PO twice a week or more often if it is requested of you.

And if you are willing to do all that for $29.00 including priority shipping to Georgia with dc and insured... I'll give you the pattern and save you a step and you can make your own flippin unique custom scroll sawn personalized sign!

Thanks for asking.

If I can be of further service please do not hesitate to ask.
Customer service is after all my #1 priority!

Mike@ Mike's wood-n-things

He still made the order....When his personalized sign arrived I got a very nice thank you, because he LOVED it!

I was so upset that he asked why it was so much. I couldn't restrain myself.... Now everyone knows....

A crafter never ever gets paid enough for what they create....


Rosemary said...

This is so rich! I've got several crafty friends I'll just have to send a copy of this to, and a few forum buddies I can't wait to send here, too!!


Brave man, you are LOL.

Uncle Mike said...

Thanks for stopping by.

I really don't usually respond in this fashion...but...

We all have our days....I'm happy all turned out well and he Liked his new sign!

Uncle Mike said...


I appreciate your stopping by.

What do you craft...I hope you return so we/I can find out!

Uncle Mike said...

Kathleen We may be in the market for some stained glass, for our new home...Stay in touch....

Uncle Mike said...


Thanks for the words of encouragemnt..Don't ya wanna know why it's so expensive.....LOL

I'll be looking for your return...

Uncle Mike said...


I just visited your blog and your sensaria website. Looking good.

Keep up the good work!

Uncle Mike said...


You are welcome...And I loved you old TV show (showing my age) better than the later version.

Too bad about sonny..He couldn't sing but he made me laugh..

Uncle Mike said...

But at least you have become a presence on the WEB!!


Uncle Mike said...

But at least you have become a presence on the WEB!!
