Thursday, August 25, 2005

Some more pics of our Grand daughter!

Sue and I went to Salem last weekend, the weekend of the 20th of August and were finally able to hold Aubrey. Or should I say she held us! We couldn't get enough of her! Wanted to bring her home with us, for a little while anyway.

She is sleeping about 2-3 hours at a time and then she becomes very vocal wanting to be fed!

What a precious miracle of life!

I'll share more later!

Thanks for stopping by!


Uncle Mike said...

Yer welcome.

Thanks for stopping by....

Rosemary said...

I've been waiting to see more pictures of this little sweetie pie. I'm glad you finally got to hold her, as that's one of life's most satisfying pleasures. There's nothing like it.


Uncle Mike said...

She did get ahold of me...My heart as well as my finger...She is a doll...I couldn't be prouder!